Important Links and Resources

Window to the Law Video from NAR
REALTOR® Links and Resources
Transaction Desk
Transaction Desk is provided by TNREALTORS® and all questions should be sent to them.
Forms and Transaction Management Solution
Fill out and email forms to clients online. Manage all your transactions in one location.
Go to Tennessee Realtors® Transaction Desk
Forms on the Fly
Static PDF forms to download and print only. You CANNOT fill in the fields on these forms.
Not sure how to use a form, what to place in a blank, or what a paragraph really means? Need to know what other forms to use with a form you are using now?
Leadership Directory
Find leaders and contact info for those who represent REALTORS® in Tennessee: Directors, Committee Chairs and members, and more.
Committee/Trustee Applications
Submit an application for a Tennessee REALTORS® committee, RPAC Trustee and/or TREEF Trustee position.
Help Desk & Knowledgebase
Submit Help requests to the Legal & Ethics Hotline, Education Department or Tech Support. Search the Knowledgebase for FAQs.
Legal Hotline
TN REALTORS® Legal Hotline
Forms Questions: 877-321-1477
Important Phone Numbers and Contact Information
Ethics & Legal Hotline
call 800-899-5297 or e-mail
GSMAR office 865-453-1248, Fax 865-453-9456
TREC 1-800-342-4031 (License Issues)
TAR 877-321-1477 (Forms)
NAR 800-868-3225 or 1-312-329-8826 (NRDS) 1-800-747-4166
Supra lockbox Support 1-877-699-6787
Finger Printing - go to to make an appointment.